5 February
почему-то когда у меня проблемы или скоро надо принимать какие-то важные решения я становлюсь просто ужасно сентиментальной. Вчера плакала над передачей где исполняли желания больных и несчастных детей, сегодня - вот над этой историей:
Once on Mother’s Day, this older lady came in alone and told me that her kids weren’t able to be with her that year, but they had mailed her a gift card. So I told my manager that we had to make this an exceptional experience for her. I told her to come back with a friend some time and use her gift card because tonight, her meal was on us. We comped her dinner, and I sat with her through dessert while she told me about her kids. My coworkers were happy to cover my other tables for 15 minutes. The woman told me she would remember that dinner forever.